Wednesday 6 November 2013

Story Boards!

You're probably thinking what a story board is? Basically; it's a visual interpretation of the script. It shows what types of shots you will be using which gives you a clearer idea when it comes to filming.

When it comes to creating a story board, there is a few things it needs to include. As it is a visual interpretation of the script it must show the location of the scene, this even includes certain lighting requirments and props within the scene.

 You need to take a not of how many actors are in that specific scene, also if an actor moves within the scene you should take a note of the action, usually you would show this by adding an arrow in whatever direction the actor/prop has moved in.

You would also have to make a note of what props are needed in the scene, such as cars, guns etc and what action the props are making, for example; 'a car drives along the road in the background'. Try to go into a lot of detail about this and try not to leave anything out. If you're inlcuding any special effects, like explosions etc, I would take a note of them as well.

 The type of shot is very important as well, so you would have to decide and take a note of what type of shot it would be for that specific scene and it's vital to show what camera angle it is aswell. If you follow and use these tips, you will have a great idea of what the film will look like visually, making it substantionally easier for you to write up your script and start filming.

This is an example of what a storyboard looks like!

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